
петак, 18. март 2011.

Hot line matorke

Nedavno sam bio promatranje igra loptom, te uživaju nekoliko piva s par prijatelja na naše najdraže lokalnom baru. And, naturally a few beers deep in to the evening we were regaling one another with stories of our past sexual escapades. I, naravno, nekoliko piva duboko na večer smo bili regaling jedni druge s pričama iz naše prošlosti seksualne eskapade. Anyway somewhere during the usual nix of bullshit and truth, I remembered the event that I've always thought of as “my funniest sexual moment”. U svakom slučaju matore kurve  negdje tijekom uobičajene nix od gluposti i istine, sjetio sam se događaja koji sam uvijek mislio kao "moj najzabavniji seksualne trenutku". It was also one damn hot little erotic encounter too. To je također jedan osuditi vruće malo erotski susret previše. As they say, “back in the day”, in the sweet time between my two marriages I briefly dated a porn starlet. Kao što kažu, "natrag u dan", u slatko vrijeme između moja dva braka sam kratko od porno starlete. You might recognize some of her movie titles, but probably not her name. Možda ćete prepoznati neke od svojih filmskih naslova, ali vjerojatno nije njeno ime. Sherrie was a good kid who truly loved sex. Sherrie je bio dobar klinac koji je uistinu volio sex. And, I do mean any kind, any time, and any place where the mood struck her. I, ja mislim bilo koje vrste, bilo koje vrijeme i bilo mjesto gdje raspoloženje joj je udario. Yeah, and that mood struck often. Da, i da je raspoloženje udario često. Her nickname was “the screamer”, matorke  because she'd start cuming, yeah and screaming, along about your second stroke. Njezin nadimak je "vrišti", jer ona bi početi cuming, yeah i vrištanje, uz o vašem drugi moždani udar. Believe me; I'm not exaggerating, not a bit. Vjerujte mi, ja nisam pretjerali, nije malo. Mid way through a romp with Sherrie, you were desperately wishing for a pair of ear plugs. Srednji put kroz nered s Sherrie, očajnički su se žele za par čepova za uši.

Anyway, one evening Sherrie called me; apparently in the mood for company and a cocktail. U svakom slučaju, jedne večeri Sherrie me pozvao, očito raspoloženi za društvo i koktel. So, expecting that a couple of cocktails would inevitably lead to a cock in her tail, I readily accepted her invitation. Dakle, očekujući da par koktela neizbježno će dovesti do penis u njoj rep, ja spremno je prihvatio poziv nju. We ended up powering down drinks over several games of eight ball at one of my favorite watering holes. Mi zavrsilo napajanje dolje pića preko nekoliko igara od osam loptu na jedan od mojih omiljenih zalijevanje rupa. Let's just agree that it's a damn good thing for Sherrie that she handles a hard cock better then a cue stick. Neka je samo slažu da je to prokleto dobra stvar za Sherrie da je ona obrađuje hard penis bolje onda napomena štap. Still, it was great fun checking out her cute young ass whenever she leaned over the pool table. Ipak, bilo je super zabavno checking out joj sladak magarčića kad god nagnuo nad stol za biljar. Sherrie is short, and that night, so was her skirt. Sherrie je kratka, a te noći, pa joj je suknja. So of course, every time she leaned over that table to take a shot her nearly naked ass was bared. Pa naravno, svaki put kad nagnuo toj tablici da se metak joj gotovo gol magarca je proąla. And only the tiniest of hot pink micro thong panties kept her pretty pink pussy under wraps. I samo najmanjim vruće ružičasta mikro bič gaćice zadržala svoju prilično ružičasta vagina u tajnosti. The view from the other side of the table was damn fine too. Pogled s druge strane stola bio je prokleto dobro previše. matorke bg  Her low cut tank top didn't hide much of her nicely tanned size 36 C tits. Njezino nisko izrezati vrh tenk nije skrivao koliko joj je lijepo preplanula veličine 36 C tits. I'm sure the rest of the guys in the bar were sorry to see us, well her anyway, make a break for her apartment. Siguran sam da ostatak dečki u baru bili žao da nas vidi, dobro joj u svakom slučaju, napraviti pauzu za njezin stan.

When you're driving with Sherrie hitting a red light isn't quite so bad; in fact it can be quite a treat. Kada ste vožnje s Sherrie udaranje crveno svjetlo nije baš tako loše, u stvari, to može biti prilično liječiti. And, at our first one, my hand slid right up her bare thigh, under her tiny thong, and in to her already well lubricated pussy. A, u našoj prvoj, moja ruka skliznula sve do golim bedro, pod njom malen bič, a na njoj već dobro podmazan maca. I was only toying with her, and teasing myself with thoughts of getting her off before the light changed. Samo sam bio toying s njom, a ja sam dosadan s mislima na nju prije nego uzimajući off svjetlo mijenja. Bummer, the light was quicker then Sherrie, but not by much. Sori, svjetlo bio brži od Sherrie, ali ne puno. Sherrie pushed my hand away, and had my cocks free of my jeans before we hit the next red light. Sherrie gurnula ruku daleko, i da je moj slavine bez moje traperice prije nego što smo hit iduće crveno svjetlo. She tried, but didn't quite manage to make me blow a load down her throat, but it was a close thing. Ona je pokušala, ali nije sasvim uspio napraviti mi puhati opterećenje dolje joj grlo, ali to je bio blizak stvar. Trust me; Sherrie is quite capable of getting any guy off during a long red light. Vjerujte mi, Sherrie je vrlo sposoban od uzimajući bilo koji tip off tijekom dugog crveno svjetlo. “Damn girl, slow down”, I said; which struck her as funny, apparently because I was holding her head down with me deep in her throat at the time. "Prokletstvo djevojka, usporiti", rekao sam, koji je udario nju kao smiješno, jer sam očito bila drži joj glavu dolje sa mnom duboko u grlo joj u to vrijeme. She was still laughing when she sat up, and partially reclined her seat. Ona je još uvijek smijeh kad sjede, i djelomično sjedio na svoje mjesto. I tried to keep at least one eye on her as she hiked up her skirt, slipped her thong panties off, and ended up with her feet braced up on the dash. Pokušao sam da zadrži barem jednim okom na nju kao ona hiked joj suknju, skliznuo joj bič gaćice off, a završio je s njom noge ohrabrila gore na ploči. Funny thing, Sherrie doesn't do her screaming routine when she's masturbating, or when she's getting oral. Smiješno je stvar, Sherrie ne čini joj vrištala rutinu kada je ona masturbira, ili kad je dobivanje usmeni. matorke iz beograda Honestly, that girl's orgasm went on and on, like some long roller coaster ride. Iskreno, ta djevojka je orgazam je otišao na i na, kao što su neki dugo brdska željeznica vožnja. Sure there were highs and lows, but she's was cuming through them all. Naravno bilo je uspona i padova, ali ona je bila cuming kroz njih sve. Tonight Sherrie was playing the nasty tease, and really hamming it up. Večeras Sherrie je igranje gadan zafrkavati, i stvarno ga Hammingov gore. If she wasn't fucking her pussy with stiff fingers, then they were in her mouth. Ako ona nije bila jebeni joj maca sa krut prstima, a zatim su se u ustima. And when she wasn't sucking her pussy's juices off those fingers she was moaning shit about how hot and wet her pussy was, or begging me to hurry so she could fuck my big fat cock. A kad ona nije bila sisa joj maca's sokovi off one prstima bila je oplakivanje sranja o tome kako je vruće i mokro joj maca bila, ili prosjačenja mi se požuriti kako bi se mogla jebati moj debeli penis.

Stopped at an intersection waiting for the green arrow, she had my full attention. Zaustavio na raskrižju čekaju zeleno strelicu, ona je moju punu pozornost. matorke iz beograda Sherrie's legs were spread wide, real wide, and she was absolutely pounding three fingers in and out of one wetly glistening, and thoroughly exposed pussy. Sherrie noge su se proširile širok, pravi širok, i ona je apsolutno lupa tri prsta i iz jednog wetly blistavim, i temeljito izloženi maca. The blast of a big rigs air horn sure got my attention though. U eksploziji velike rigs zraka rog li dobio moju pozornost ipak. But, it was only a truck stopped for the red light. Ali, to je bio samo kamion zaustavio na crveno svjetlo. Sherrie had her window down, and was hollering out at the driver. Sherrie ju je prozor dolje, te je urlaju se na vozača. “Hey hi; did you like watching me? "Hej bok, ste poput mene gleda? Want to see some pretty titties”. Želite li vidjeti neke prilično titties ". And, with that she pulled her tank top off over her head, and had both perky tits cupped in her hands, and offered out for his approval. A, s tim ona izdvajali joj tank top off preko glave, i imala i bezobrazan tits cupped u rukama, i ponudio se za njegovo odobrenje. She whooped with delight when his air horn blasted his approval. Ona whooped s oduševljenjem kada mu je zraka rog odminirane njegovog odobrenja. I swear, she was half way out the window, and waving as the light changed and I made the turn. Kunem se, bila je na pola puta kroz prozor, i mašući kao svjetlost mijenja i sam napravio okret. Damn right, there aren't many dull moments with Sherrie around. Damn pravo, nema mnogo glup trenutke s Sherrie okolo.

Needless to say, by the time she was unlocking her apartment's door, we had most definitely finished our foreplay. Nepotrebno je reći, u vrijeme kada je bila otključavanje vrata svog stana, imali smo najviše definitivno završio naš predigre. I pushed the door shut behind me, turned to set the dead bolt lock, and by the time that I'd turned back, Sherrie was down on her knees and reaching for my zipper. Ja gurnula vrata zatvorena iza mene, okrenuo postaviti mrtvih vijak za zaključavanje, a vrijeme koje bih okrenuo leđa, Sherrie je pao na koljena i dostizanje za moj patent zatvarač. She was still pulling my pants and underwear down when her mouth drove down on my erection. Ona je još uvijek vuče moje hlače i donje rublje dolje kad joj usta odvezli dolje na moj erekciju. Somehow she kept her sweet mouth working over my cock while she got my shoes off, and helped me step out of my pants. Nekako je zadržala svoju slatka usta radi više moj penis dok je ona dobila svoje cipele, i pomogao mi korak iz moje hlače. Her open palms slid up my thighs stopping when she had them pressing flat against my belly and forming a triangle around my thrusting cock. Njezin otvoreni dlanovi skliznula do mojih bedara zaustavljanja kad ih je pritiskom stan od moj trbuh i formiranje trokuta oko mog guranja penis. It's a unique little trick, and the way she does it really gets matorke vole mladje  you focused right on your cock and balls. To je jedinstvena mali trik, i način na koji ona to stvarno dobiva te usmjeren pravo na svoje pijetao i loptice. And then, there's that way she has of holding you deep throated, lips grinding hard, seemingly frantic to get even more cock. A onda, tu je da način na koji ona ima od vas drži duboko grlo, usne brušenje teško, naizgled ljut da se još više penis. But, I liked it a whole lot more when she got busy with her sweet mouth slamming up and down my full hard length. Ali, volio sam ga puno više kad je dobio zauzet sa svojim slatkim ustima lupanje gore i dolje moj pun hard dužine. And, I'll never understand just how such a nasty young woman, can hold your balls in her mouth, and still be looking up at you with big innocent eyes. A, ja to nikada neću shvatiti koliko takav gadan mlada žena, može držati loptice u usta, i još uvijek se gleda u vas sa velikim nevinim očima. They weren't looking so innocent when she had her hand furiously pumping my cock at the same time. Oni nisu tražili tako nevino kada je imala ruku bijesno pumpanje moj penis u isto vrijeme. I thought that they more likely were saying something like, fucker; I'm going to suck your cock dry. Mislio sam da oni više vjerojatno su govorili nešto kao, pička, idem sisati vaš penis suho. She released my balls, only so she could torture my cock with her fast flicking little tongue. Ona je objavio moje loptice, samo kako bi mogla mučenja moj penis s njom brzo flicking malo jezik. She worked that wonderful weapon up and down the underside of my shaft, and all around that really sensitive skin just under the cocks head. Radila je to divno oružje gore i dolje donjoj moje vratilo, i sve oko toga jako osjetljivu kožu ispod cocks glavu. She was giggling when I broke and grabbed her head with both hands, and set to work fucking the holy Hell out of her mouth. Bila je giggling kad sam prekinula i uhvatio je za glavu s obje ruke, i pušten u rad jebeni sveti pakao iz njezinih usta. Her eyes still were laughing when my first shot of cum blasted in to her throat. Njene oči su još uvijek smijeha kad sam prvi pucao sperma pjeskarenog u njoj grlo. I pushed hard against her lips and deep in to her mouth, savoring every eruption as it blasted streams of cum in to her waiting throat. Ja gurnula teško protiv njene usne i duboko na usta, uživajući svaki erupcija kao što je proklet potoci cum na nju čeka grlo. Just as soon as I let go of her head, she leaned back on her knees, clapping loudly. Čim sam pustio njezinu glavu, ona nagnutom prema natrag na koljena, glasno pljeskali. “Oh wow, way to go lover. "Oh, vau, put to ići ljubavnika. Oh man was that ever one huge fucking load or what”. Oh čovjek koji je ikada bio jedan veliki jebeni teret ili ono ". Hey, it's good to be appreciated, right? Hej, dobro je biti cijenjen, zar ne? Sherrie got one sweet little kiss, before I headed off for the head. Sherrie dobio jedan slatki mali poljubac, prije nego što sam na čelu off za glavu.

Oh yeah, I sure did like the scene that I walked back in to. Oh yeah, Ja sigurno nije svidjelo prizor koji sam hodao natrag u. Sherrie was naked, and in the middle of her bed, and playing with a double dildo. Sherrie je bila gola, te u sredini njezinoj postelji, a igranje s dvostrukim dildo. I sure wanted a much closer look, and soon was kneeling between her wide spread legs. Ja sigurno želio mnogo bliži pogled, i uskoro je bio klečeći između njenih raširenih nogu. She had one tiny fist wrapped around this damn thick black dildo, holding it like a guy jacking off. Imala je jedan maleni šakom omotan oko tog prokletog debeli crni dildo, držeći ga kao čovjeka jacking off. But, that fist was driving the other end in and out of her very wet looking pussy instead. Ali, to je šaka je vozio drugi kraj i iz nje vrlo mokro maca traži umjesto. Laughing she pulled it out and held it up to me, and that's when I saw that it was a good eighteen inches of double ended rubber cock. Smijeh je to izvukao i to se održavaju do mene, a to je kad sam vidio da je to dobar osamnaest inča dvostruko je završila gume penis. “Here Bob, suck on it. "Ovdje Bob, sisati na nju. Come on lover, it tastes like my pussy”. Hajde ljubavnik, to okusa kao što je moja maca ". No doubt it did, it was practically dripping with her juices, but I passed anyway. Bez sumnje je to učinio, to je praktički kaplje s njom sokovima, ali sam prošao anyway. She was still laughing when she drove it back in, only now she put a finger to work on her clit too. Ona je još uvijek smijeha kad ju je vozio natrag, samo sada je staviti prst za rad na njezin klitoris previše. That sure had her screaming out her orgasm, and damn quickly too. Da li ju je vrištala joj orgazam, i prokleto brzo previše. Oglas,matorka trazi

Reaching out, I replaced her hand with mine. Postizanje out, ja zamijenio njezine ruke sa mina. Now, that did feel strange; I mean holding the business end of a cock that was sticking out of a chick's pussy. Sada, da se osjeća čudno, mislim drži poslovni kraju penis koji je priljepljivanje iz pile's vagina. When one stroke accidentally pulled the whole thing out of her, I reversed it, driving the dry end back in to her. Kada jednom potezu slučajno izvukao cijelu stvar iz nje, ja je obrnuto, vozeći suho kraj natrag na nju. I guess I must have been just drunk enough to try something absolutely crazy. Mislim da mora da je bio samo pijan dovoljno da isprobate nešto potpuno ludo. Right, I mean something “fun”, like going down on the tasty and very slippery end that stuck out of her pussy. Desno, mislim nešto "zabavno", kao što ide dolje na ukusan i vrlo sklizak kraju da ispružio joj maca. Hey, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Hej, to se činilo kao dobra ideja u to vrijeme. And, I'll tell you, it sure did get Sherrie fucking hot, and even interested enough to stop the finger she had working over her clit. A, ja ću vam reći, to sigurno dobili Sherrie jebeni hot, pa čak i dovoljno zainteresirani da se zaustavi prst imala radni preko joj klitoris. She wrapped a thumb and finger around the dildo right where it pushed in to her, and then dared me. Ona je zamotan palac i prst oko dildo točno tamo gdje ga gurnula u njoj, a onda me usudio. “Come on, suck my cock. "Hajde, sisati moj kurac. Do it, take it all too”, she teased with a giggle. Učinite to, sve to previše ", ona je zadirkivali uz cerekanje. I was licking her sweet juices, and watching her stare, wide eyed down at me. Bio sam joj liže sladak sok, i gledajući joj zuriti, široka eyed dolje na mene. Those big eyes seemed to be pleading with me, as she teased. Te velike oči kao da se moli sa mnom, kao što je zadirkivali. “Please Bob, suck my big cock. "Molim vas, Bob, sisati moj veliki penis. Do it, just a little, and I'll do anything you want. Učinite to, samo malo, i ja ću učiniti sve što želite. Aw come on, swallow some of my cock and kiss my pretty pussy”. Aw hajde, progutati neke od moj penis i poljubiti svoje prilično maca ". OK then, let's just say that I did have a cock's deep in my mouth and my lips tasting Sherrie's pouty pussy lips too. U redu onda, neka je samo reći da sam imala penis je duboko u moja usta i usne moje degustacije je Sherrie pouty maca usne previše. But, I couldn't figure a way to do it and lick her clit too, any suggestions? Ali, nisam mogao shvatiti način da to učinite i lizati klitoris također, bilo koji sugestija?

Anyway the sex was flowing hot and heavy, and so was the alcohol. U svakom slučaju spol teče vruća i teška, i tako je bio alkohol. I had Sherrie up on her hands and knees, and was busily fucking her. Imao sam Sherrie se na ruke i koljena, te je užurbano joj jebote. Sure, and wishing for those ear plugs by then too. Naravno, i za one koji žele uho utikači do tada previše. Seeing the big dildo just laying there I figured; OK, so let's try some double penetration with the double dildo. Vidjevši veliki dildo samo polaganje tamo sam shvatio, OK, pa ćemo probati neke dvostruka penetracija s dvostrukim dildo. Being way past the point of bothering to get up to find some lube, I just lubed the damn thing up in her pussy. Budući da je način prošlosti točke gnjavi da bi se naći neki lubrikant, samo sam lubed osuditi stvar u njoj maca. So, I was back fucking her pussy when I began pushing that thick rubber cock up her sexy young ass hole. Dakle, ja nazad je bio jebeni joj maca kada sam počeo da guranje debele gume penis joj seksi mlada magarca rupice. She took a whole lot more then half of it too, and she took it over and over again. Ona je puno više od polovice to je previše, a ona ga je iznova i iznova. By holding one end of the double headed cock flat against my belly, I was really pounding two cocks in to her at the same time. Držeći jedan kraj dvoglavi penis stan od moj trbuh, bio sam jako lupa dva cocks u njoj u isto vrijeme. Hey, and it felt pretty damn great sliding in and out so fucking close to my hard fucking cock. Hej, i osjetio ljepušan osuditi veliki klizna i van tako jebeno blizu moj hard jebeni penis. She was still screaming and begging for more, so more is what she got. Ona je još uvijek vrištala i prosio za više, tako da više ono što je dobio. I just kept fucking her harder and harder and slipping more of the double dildo in to her ass until she was taking damn near the whole damn thing. JA pravedan je zadržao jebeni joj sve teže i teže i klizi više od dvostruko dildo u njoj dupe dok je ona uzimajući u blizini osuditi cijeli prokleti stvar. Yeah, that had me fucking hot alright, but I wasn't satisfied. Da, to mi je jebeno vruće u redu, ali nisam bio zadovoljan.

OK, that's gets us up to the humorous part of that's nights adventure. OK, to je nas dobiva do smiješni dio tog noći avanturu. Anyhow, I got the terrific idea to use the double headed dildo to do the double penetrating. Bilo kako, JA je dobio sjajan ideja koristiti dvoglavi dildo učiniti dvostruko prodoran. Being rubber, it was real flexible, and easily bent in to a horse shoe shape. Budući da je guma, to je bio pravi fleksibilan, i lako savijen na cipelama oblik konja. Working it in and out of her two holes, seemed wickedly erotic, and sure had me feeling thoroughly hot and nasty. to radi i iz nje dvije rupe, činilo bezbožni erotski, i uvjereni su me osjećaj temeljito toplom i gadno. I had it buried, pushed deep in to both holes, when I decided to get a better look at my handy work. Imao sam ga pokopali, gurnula duboko na obje rupe, kada sam odlučio da biste dobili bolji pogled na moj zgodan rad. So, I let go of the damn thing, and leaned back on my knees. Dakle, ja pustiti baš ništa, i nagnuo se natrag na koljena. Bad, bad idea, remember the damn thing was made of rubber. Loše, loše, sjetite se osuditi stvar je napravljen od gume. Like it had been fired from a cannon, it sprang out of her, and came flying at my head. Kao što je pucao iz topa, ona skoči iz nje, i došao lete u mojoj glavi. That fucking monster actually managed to slap twice against my face. To je jebeni čudovište zapravo uspio slap dvaput protiv moje lice. Sherrie was flopping around, clapping, and laughing like a fool. Sherrie je flopping oko, pljeskanje, i smijući se kao budala. Sherrie had been checking out our play in the closets mirrored doors. Sherrie je bio ček vanjska strana naš igrati u ormari mirror vrata. She was almost crying as she whooped out, “Oh God I saw it. Ona gotovo je plakala kao ona whooped out, "O Bože sam ga vidio. Oh yeah, for sure it slapped your face good”. Oh yeah, sigurno je ošamario lice dobro ". I threw myself on top of her, and we rolled and laughed until we hurt. Ja sam bacio na vrhu joj, a mi valjane i smijali dok smo ozlijeđen. And then, we laughed some more. A onda smo se smijali neki više. Well, you don't often get a chance to enjoy a good hard laugh in the middle of hot and nasty sex, do you? Pa, ne često dobiti priliku da uživaju dobar hard smijeh usred vruće i neugodne seks, zar ne?

A bit later, Sherrie carried a pair of shots over to the bed. Nešto kasnije, Sherrie nosio par snimaka preko krevet. But, she was giggling when she toasted my first time as a cock sucker. Ali, ona je giggling kada je pržen mi je prvi put kao penis dojilja. Well, not that I haven't been called one often enough. Pa, nije da nisam bio pozvan jedan dovoljno često. Anyway, her teasing little giggles got her turned over my knee. U svakom slučaju, njen dosadan malo giggles dobila predale moje koljeno. Of course I was playing, Hell, she likes being spanked hard. Naravno da sam bio igranje, Pakao, ona voli biti spanked teško. I let her squirm free and slide to her knees. I neka joj previjati se besplatno i slajd na koljena. She was still giggling when she sucked my soft penis in to her mouth. Ona je još uvijek giggling kad je isisan moj penis u mekom na usta. Man, hot line matorke I absolutely love the feeling of growing hard inside a girl's hot wet mouth. Čovječe, ja apsolutno ljubav osjećaj raste teško unutar djevojka je vruće mokro usta. But, right then what I wanted was to be fucking her sweet young ass. Ali, zar onda ono što sam htio je da se jebeni joj slatko magarčića. So just as soon as her talented mouth had me hard again, I pulled her back up on to the bed. Dakle, baš čim joj talentirani usta mi je teško opet, izvukao sam ju natrag gore na krevetu. Sherrie scrambled on to her knees, but I quickly flipped her on to her back. Sherrie izokrenut na koljena, ali sam se brzo joj zrcaljeno na leđima. No muss, no fuss, her legs went up over my shoulders, and I pushed back in to her pussy. No zbrka, bez puno buke, nogama je otišao gore iznad mog ramena, a ja sam gurnula natrag u njoj maca. I was really horny, and needed to get off, so her screams were barely registering. Bio sam jako rožnat, te je potrebno da biste dobili off, pa joj vrišti su jedva registracije. After several wickedly sweet minutes of intense hard fucking, I was still a long way from an orgasm. Nakon nekoliko zlo slatko minuta intenzivnog teško jebote, bio sam još uvijek daleko od orgazma. Ripping my frustrated cock out of her pussy I slammed it straight up her ass hole. Kopiranje moj frustriran penis iz njezina maca sam ga udario ravno joj magarca rupice. Sherrie's screams never missed a beat. Sherrie nikada vrišti propustili pobijediti. Rolling her legs up higher above her head I got more penetration. Rolling joj noge više iznad glave sam dobio više penetracije. I was driving almost straight down in to her ass, and every hard driving thrust lifted clear, before plunging back in. Her hands tangled in my hair, pulling hard in her excitement. Bio sam vozeći gotovo ravno prema dolje u na magarca, a svaka tvrdi vožnje podiže potisak jasno, prije uspravljen back in Ruke zapetljanu u moju kosu, povlačenjem teško u njoj uzbuđenja. And wow, there were actually words along with her loud screams. A wow, bilo je zapravo riječi zajedno s njom glasno vrišti. A hard gasping Sherrie was pleading for it harder, faster, and demanding for me not to stop. Teško dahtanje Sherrie je zalaganje za to teže, brže, i zahtjevan za mene ne da zaustaviti. I didn't, but what the hell, when I missed her ass hole on a down stroke, instead burying my eight inches of cock back in her pussy I just kept right on, keeping on. Nisam, ali ono što je, dovraga, kad sam promašio magarca rupa na dolje moždanog udara, umjesto ukopavat moj osam inča penis natrag u njoj maca JA pravedan je zadržao pravo na, imajući na. Sherrie didn't seem bothered by that move, so I went right on. Sherrie ne činiti smeta taj potez, pa sam otišao na desno. Well almost, every few strokes I'd switch holes. Pa skoro, svakih nekoliko udaraca bih prebaciti rupa. Oh man, sure we were both half drunk, but that was a real turn on for me. Oh čovjek, sigurni smo oboje polovina pijani, ali to je bio pravi uključite za mene. OK, honestly I did pause long enough to check with her, and she told me to “go for it”. OK, iskreno ja sam pauzirati dovoljno dugo da provjerite s njom, a ona mi je rekla da "ide za to". I held her spread wide open, and just kept pounding thrusts down in to one slippery hot hole, and then the other. Držao sam ju proširila širom otvorena, i neprestano lupa thrusts dolje u jednom sklizak vruće rupu, a zatim i druge. By the time I unloaded one colossal blast deep in to her ass, we were both sweat drenched, and breathing in ragged gasps. Uz put sam iskrcana jedan ogroman eksploziji duboko u njoj dupe, oboje smo znoj cijedi, a disanje u čupav gasps. But damn, that orgasm was one I'll never forget. Ali damn, to je bio jedan orgazam ja to nikada neću zaboraviti. I was literally afraid that my cock might split from the explosive force of the cum that finally ripped from me. Bio sam doslovno bojala da moj penis može podijeliti s eksplozivne snage sperma koja je konačno ripped od mene. It seemed like I poured out a solid stream that would go on forever. Činilo se kao da sam izlio čvrste potok koji će ići na zauvijek. Well then, that's my story. Pa onda, to je moja priča. And, you can be sure that the wild laughter in the middle of such hot and nasty sex made that an unforgettable night. A, možete biti sigurni da divlje smijeh u sredini kao vruće i gadan seks napravio da nezaboravnu noć. 

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